Today we honor our Father God and all the fathers among us in flesh and memory. Consistory met on June 3 and decided to continue the discussion about returning to worship in the sanctuary until their meeting on July 1. This was based on the fact that there are not yet clear guidelines in place from the state to allow a written plan to be made. Internet is installed in the sanctuary and we are waiting for the camera and microphones to
arrive and be set up. If you are interested in helping run the camera, let the office know. We will continue to live-stream worship for the foreseeable future. Please let Consistory know if you have any thoughts about resuming in person worship or activities.
Please send Pastor June any prayer requests by email, text, phone, or messenger. And share any feedback or comment on the live stream or video posted on the Zion’s page. This is meant to be meaningful for you so we appreciate knowing what works and what we could do differently.
As always, each of you is in our prayers. Physical distancing does not mean we are distant from one another in heart and spirit. And we know that our Creator, Redeemer, and Loving Spirit is present with us always and in every moment. For all this we give thanks.