Today we celebrate Trinity Sunday with Holy Communion. Before the service you will want to prepare any kind of bread to share and a cup or small cups of juice — perhaps grape or cranberry — or wine, with or without alcohol. Set these elements in the space where you experience worship electronically with our faith community. Place a mask and a glove on your table symbolically as well. Perhaps you want to put everything on a lovely cloth or fabric that reminds you of a special time or person. Perhaps light a candle or place a flower or the photograph of someone you wish to bring into the circle of faith beside the bread and the cup. Thank you for your preparation.
As always, each of you is in our prayers. Physical distancing does not mean we are distant from one another in heart and spirit. And we know that our Creator, Redeemer, and Loving Spirit is present with us always and in every moment. For all this we give thanks.