If you are worshipping from home, you may want to take a few minutes to prepare communion elements. They can be a bite of anything you have and a sip of whatever is handy, a reflection of life lived in God’s loving care.
Sunday Service 11/29/20
Today is the first day of Advent. This year we are focusing on the themes of Church, next week on Home and then the City and lastly Open Spaces or Fields. We will have a special banner for each week as we reflect on how the places in our lives are touched by the holy and the activities of our days. As we focus today on church and the person of Zechariah, the priest, let us prepare this space for the coming of the King in a service of the Hanging of the Greens.
11/15/20 Bulletin
Good Morning and Welcome to those worshipping today in the sanctuary, and to those who are with us on line.
Today is Stewardship Sunday and we welcome Rev. Glenn Sadler to the pulpit, while Pastor June is on vacation. Thank you for being here Pastor Glenn.
Special music is provided by Kirk Kupensky, well known harpist and principle harp for The Greenville Symphony. Thank you for sharing your time and talent with us today.
Sunday Service 11/08/20
Welcome to those worshipping today in the sanctuary, and to those who are with us on line.
We welcome Rev. Glenn Sadler to the pulpit, while Pastor June is on vacation. Thank you for being here Pastor Glenn! Today we celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism.
Sunday Service 11/01/20
Welcome to all those who are with us on-line. Today we will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion as we celebrate our legacy of faith. Those at home may wish to prepare bread and cup for the Service so we may partake together. If you have prayer requests during the week, please contact Pastor June.
Sunday Service 10/18/20
Welcome to worship all those joining us on-line and those in the sanctuary. It is good to gather as the body of Christ. See page 7 for more announcements. If you have prayer requests during the week, please contact Pastor June.
Sunday Service 10/11/20
Welcome to worship all those joining us on-line and those in the sanctuary. It is good to gather as the body of Christ. Many thanks to Allen Morrill and Leslie Graul for helping with the livestream equipment. See page 6 for more announcements.
The Altar flowers are placed in memory of my son Steven and daughter Cindy, by Myrna Snyder and Family.
Please continue to send Pastor June your prayer requests.
Sunday Service 9/25/20
Hello Friends!
Welcome to worship all those joining us on-line and those in the sanctuary. It is good to gather as the body of Christ. Many thanks to Allen Morrill and Leslie Graul, for helping with the livestream equipment. See page 8 for more announcements.
The Altar flowers are placed in memory of our loved ones, by Ron and Betty Mink and Family.
Prayers requests may be sent to Pastor June via email or by calling the church.
Sunday Service 09/20/20
Welcome to worship all those joining us on-line and those in the sanctuary. It is good to gather as the body of Christ. Many thanks to Allen Morrill and Leslie Graul, for helping with the livestream equipment. See page 7 for more announcements.
The Altar flowers are placed in memory of Richard Houpt, by Pat Houpt.
Please feel free during the week to let Pastor June know if there are prayers you would like added to the prayer list
Sunday Service 9/6/20
Welcome back to the pews, those worshipping today in the sanctuary, and welcome to those who are with us on-line. Today we will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Those at home may wish to prepare bread and cup for the Service so we may partake together.
We will continue to live stream worship each Sunday on our Zion’s Reformed Facebook Page. The video is available on Facebook or on You Tube on our channel–Zion’s Reformed Greenville PA. Many thanks to Allen Morrill and Leslie Graul, for helping with the livestream equipment. If you would be interested in helping with the equipment, please let the office
We post worship materials in the “Pastor’s Corner” on our webpage www.zionsucc.org and send worship materials by email or postal mail each week so you all can have a sense of connection. The intent is that we continue to be in community with one another and offer worship and praise and thanksgiving in all the ways we can.
Just a reminder that the office will be closed tomorrow in observance of Labor Day