Hello Friends!
Consistory will meet on June 24 to continue the discussion about returning to worship in the sanctuary. They will review a draft written plan and any updates will be in the July newsletter.
Internet is installed in the sanctuary and we are waiting for the camera and microphones to arrive and be set up. If you are interested in helping run the camera, let the office know. We will continue to live-stream worship for the foreseeable future. Please let Consistory know if you have any thoughts
about resuming in person worship or activities.
Please send Pastor June any prayer requests by email, text, phone, or messenger. And share any feedback or comment on the live stream or video posted on the Zion’s page. This is meant to be meaningful for you so we appreciate knowing what works and what we could do differently.
Sunday Service 6/21/20
Today we honor our Father God and all the fathers among us in flesh and memory. Consistory met on June 3 and decided to continue the discussion about returning to worship in the sanctuary until their meeting on July 1. This was based on the fact that there are not yet clear guidelines in place from the state to allow a written plan to be made. Internet is installed in the sanctuary and we are waiting for the camera and microphones to
arrive and be set up. If you are interested in helping run the camera, let the office know. We will continue to live-stream worship for the foreseeable future. Please let Consistory know if you have any thoughts about resuming in person worship or activities.
Please send Pastor June any prayer requests by email, text, phone, or messenger. And share any feedback or comment on the live stream or video posted on the Zion’s page. This is meant to be meaningful for you so we appreciate knowing what works and what we could do differently.
As always, each of you is in our prayers. Physical distancing does not mean we are distant from one another in heart and spirit. And we know that our Creator, Redeemer, and Loving Spirit is present with us always and in every moment. For all this we give thanks.
Sunday Service 6/14/20
Hello Friends!
Consistory met on June 3 and decided to continue the discussion about returning to worship in the sanctuary until their meeting on July 1. This was based on the fact that there are not yet clear guidelines in place from the state to allow a written plan to be made. They have authorized the purchase of equipment and installation of internet in the sanctuary so
that we can continue to live-stream worship for the foreseeable future. Please let Consistory know if you have any thoughts about re-opening.
Please send Pastor June any prayer requests by email, text, phone, or messenger. And share any feedback or comment on the live stream or video posted on the Zion’s page. This is meant to be meaningful for you so we appreciate knowing what works and what we could do differently.
As always, each of you is in our prayers. Physical distancing does not mean we are distant from one another in heart and spirit. And we know that our Creator, Redeemer, and Loving Spirit is present with us always and in every moment. For all this we give thanks.
Sunday Service 6/7/20
Today we celebrate Trinity Sunday with Holy Communion. Before the service you will want to prepare any kind of bread to share and a cup or small cups of juice — perhaps grape or cranberry — or wine, with or without alcohol. Set these elements in the space where you experience worship electronically with our faith community. Place a mask and a glove on your table symbolically as well. Perhaps you want to put everything on a lovely cloth or fabric that reminds you of a special time or person. Perhaps light a candle or place a flower or the photograph of someone you wish to bring into the circle of faith beside the bread and the cup. Thank you for your preparation.
As always, each of you is in our prayers. Physical distancing does not mean we are distant from one another in heart and spirit. And we know that our Creator, Redeemer, and Loving Spirit is present with us always and in every moment. For all this we give thanks.
Sunday Service 5/31/20
Hello Friends!
Today we celebrate Pentecost Sunday. For the call to worship you may wish to have water, a bell or wind chime, soil or sand, and a candle in your worship space to represent water, wind, earth and flame.
As always, each of you is in our prayers. If you have any prayer requests, please contact Pastor June via text, phone or the prayer request button on this page.
Sunday Service 5/24/20
Hello! Below is the link to download our worship bulletin for Sunday, May 24, 2020.
Sunday we will honor Memorial Day and our fallen heroes. This is especially appropriate today as we remember those on the front line of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
As always, each of you is in our prayers. Social distancing does not mean we are distant from one another in heart and spirit. And we know that our loving and caring God is present with us always and in every moment. For all this we give thanks.
Sunday Service 5/17/20
Hello Friends!
We continue to praise God and worship online. Although the State has opened to the yellow phase, our worship will continue online into the foreseeable future. Please read the update letter posted below to learn more.
Please continue to send any prayer requests into the office via our Prayer Request tab at the top of this site or by calling/emailing Pastor June directly.
Wishing you all well!
Sunday Service 5/10/20
Hello! We will be live streaming worship each Sunday on our Zion’s Reformed Facebook Page and you can view the video there. Please “Like” or “Follow” the page to receive updates and notices. The video will also be posted on YouTube on our new channel–Zion’s Reformed Greenville PA. The intent is that we continue to be in community with one another and offer worship and praise and thanksgiving in all the ways we can.
Sunday Service 5/3/2020
Hello Everyone! Below is the link to the worship materials for the Sunday Service on May 3rd. As you know, due to COVID-19 we are conducting our Sunday services live on Facebook at 10:30am.
Sunday, May 3 will also be Communion. You may want to prepare bread and juice before the service begins.
Following the service, we will post the video to YouTube for those that are unable to attend the live service. We wish you well.
Sunday Service 4/26/2020
Good Morning! We would like you to join us for worship on our live Facebook feed at 10:30am. If you are unable to attend, we will post a link to our recorded sermon shortly.
Click the Facebook icon below to visit our page.
Worship Materials:
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